Financial sector news

15.11.24_nbu_oglyad Financial sector news | Асоціація українських банків

The course "Entrepreneurship and Financial Literacy" will become a mandatory subject in Ukrainian schools

From 2025, the course “Entrepreneurship and Financial Literacy” will become a mandatory subject for students in grades 8-9 in secondary education institutions. This is an important step towards the formation of a financially literate society in Ukraine, as it will contribute to the development of entrepreneurial skills and a conscious attitude towards financial resources among young people.

The creation of high-quality educational materials for the course is an extremely significant step in increasing the level of financial literacy of the population of Ukraine.

The relevance of this course is due to the need for high-quality knowledge for students who assess their orientation in the modern financial world and make informed decisions. To provide schools with educational materials, a group of authors and experts, including representatives of the Deposit Guarantee Fund of Individuals, members of its Expert Council on Financial Literacy, scientists and teachers from different regions of Ukraine, has created the educational course “Entrepreneurship and Financial Literacy. Grade 8”.
In 2024, based on the approved preliminary model curriculum, pilot teaching of this course for eighth-graders began. For this team of authors, together with the Ukrainian Educational Publishing Center "Orion", pilot educational materials for the course "Entrepreneurship and Financial Literacy" for 8th-graders were developed, which are currently being supplemented and adapted as part of the preparation of a complete educational and methodological set, including: a textbook, a workbook, a teacher's manual, electronic supplements and presentations for lessons.

The development of the course begins in 2021, when the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine approved the model curriculum "Entrepreneurship and Financial Literacy. Grades 8–9" for secondary education institutions (authors Kuznetsova A. Ya., Dovgan A. L., Chasnikova O. V., Shnitser O. P., Trygub O. V., Girchenko T. D., Shabanova O.). V., Kharchenko A. M., Nagaychuk N.)
This program is the result of a partnership between the Deposit Guarantee Fund for Individuals, the University of Banking. and the NGO "Business Club "Partner", opened in 2019 with the signing of the relevant Memorandum of Cooperation.
The project was called "For educators - from educators". 16 scientists and teachers from 5 regions of Ukraine took part in its development.
It included pilot materials, a model program, a single educational and methodological kit, as well as an Educational Program for Advanced Training of Teachers in the course "Entrepreneurship and Financial Literacy. Grades 8-9" developed on their basis. The Guarantee Fund has delegated the right to co-authorship in this project to the Head of the Financial Education Department of the Fund, Olesya SHNITSER, as well as to members of the Expert Council on Financial Literacy of the Fund - Doctors of Economic Sciences, Professors Angela KUZNETSOVA and Vitaly PYSMENNY. Andriy DOVHAN and Olena CHASNIKOVA also became co-authors of all materials.
96 teachers have already been trained within the framework of this project, who teach the course to students in schools

10.12.2024_globus_lviv_1 Financial sector news | Асоціація українських банків

The map of POWER BANKING network branches is now in Action

From now on, bank branches that are part of the POWER BANKING network and will operate even during blackouts can be found in the state application Diia - on the map of Unbreakable Points.

Thanks to the NBU's cooperation with the Ministry of Digital Transformation, every Ukrainian will now be able to quickly find information about bank branches that will operate and provide the banking services necessary for customers in the event of long-term power and communication outages. “Displaying the map of POWER BANKING branches in the Diia app is another important step in ensuring public safety and convenient access to banking services in emergency situations. We are grateful to our colleagues from the Ministry of Digital Transformation for its implementation,” said NBU Governor Andriy Pyshnyi. To view the map of the Unbreakable Points in Diia, go to the Services section in the menu - Unbreakable. POWER BANKING branches can be easily found on the map among the general list of Unbreakable Points by selecting the “Banking” convenience. This will provide users with prompt and convenient access to the necessary banking services in the face of unpredictable wartime circumstances. Also, if necessary, the map can be downloaded to your gadget for offline use.

We remind you that POWER BANKING is a unified network of Ukrainian bank branches created at the initiative of the NBU that is capable of providing banking services in a crisis situation, in particular during a prolonged blackout. This unique project has united almost all banks in the country and currently includes about 2,400 bank branches across Ukraine, which are equipped with alternative energy sources and backup communication channels, enhanced cash collection, and additional staff. This is almost 55% of the total number of bank branches (excluding non-operational branches and those located in the occupied territories and territories where military operations are ongoing/possible).

For reference.

A map of POWER BANKING network branches is also available on the NBU website.
If citizens have any questions about the operation of the POWER BANKING network, they can contact the NBU by phone at 0-800-505-240 or by e-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. using a special form.
Branches of the joint banking network can be recognized by a special marking - POWER BANKING - at the entrance. This sign indicates that the branch is specially equipped and will operate in the event of a prolonged power outage.

2024.11.06minfin Financial sector news | Асоціація українських банків

To improve the effective process of paying social assistance: the Ministry of Social Policy has launched the “Electronic Bank Account” project

The Ministry of Social Policy has begun the process of completing banking regulations, as well as Ukrposhta, before testing the “Electronic account of the bank and Ukrposhta” on the Social Web Portal of electronic services of the Ministry of Social Policy.

The project is being implemented in collaboration with the Ministry of Social Policy and the DP “Information and Computing Center” for the employees of major banks that deal with payments of government social assistance. And it is technically possible to use the functionality of the “Electronic Bank Account”. The implementation of the project is aimed at accelerating the automation of social assistance payment processes for citizens who require them, which is one of the key directions of the work of the Ministry of Social Policy.
For current social assistance payments, social workers are involved in transferring payment data to banking institutions (for example, on USB sticks). This will require significant time for all banks to verify information from the relevant registers, which will enhance the process. Due to the increasing automation of wines, they are still ineffective.

How the project “Electronic account for the bank” will allow people access to payments
With the new functionality of Cabinet Bank, the process of paying social benefits has become much simpler, and the exchange of payment records can be done online. It would be better to automate and speed up the processing and verification of data of people who require payment, and also to work out the process of payment of state social benefits to help those who are more effective.

The bank’s electronic account is already available for testing on the Social web portal of electronic services of the Ministry of Social Policy ( for banks.

What possibilities does the Electronic Account provide to the bank for social security authorities (OSZN)

  • the possibility of transferring electronic payment records from social welfare authorities to banks;
  • Formation and transfer of payment statements from the obligatory authorities to the local qualified electronic signature (KEP).

To start working in the Electronic Account of the bank, you need to: verify the validity of the established contract for the provision of services in the field of information with the DP IOC;

How to get to the bank’s Electronic Account: Follow the instructions and select the role of “Bank Specialist”, using your local KEP for access.
For supplementary meals, please contact the Unified Information System of the Social Sphere: Alina Kirilychenko Viktorivny tel. (044) 494-19-37 Email -  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

2024.10.08nov Financial sector news | Асоціація українських банків

During the week, Ukrainians received 177 loans for the purchase of housing under the eOselya program

Last week, Ukrainians received 177 loans under the eOselya affordable loan program for UAH 303 million. In total, since the beginning of 2024, Ukrainians have received 6,973 loans for the purchase of housing worth UAH 11.9 billion.

Last week, loans at 3% interest rate were received:

  • 81 military personnel and law enforcement officers;
  • 12 teachers;
  • 18 doctors;
  • 4 scientists;

They received loans at 7%:

  • 50 Ukrainians without their own housing;
  • 4 IDPS;
  • 8 veterans.

Most loans were issued in Kyiv region (55), Kyiv city (42), Lviv region (10), Ivano-Frankivsk and Odesa regions (8).

According to Andriy Teliupa, Deputy Minister of Economy of Ukraine, 13,298 families have received loans worth over UAH 21.3 billion since the start of the eHouse program. Since the beginning of the year, one-third of the loans have been issued for the purchase of housing on the secondary market - 4,924, and 1,564 real estate objects have been purchased from the developer, 485 of which are under construction.

Mr. Teliupa also noted that the eOselya program is constantly evolving - the government has recently amended the requirements for housing that can be purchased under the affordable mortgage program. The program is now focused on the primary market to stimulate the development of the construction industry.

2024.08.28teliyupa Financial sector news | Асоціація українських банківAndriy Teliupa
Deputy Minister of Economy

lapkipryamamova-removebg-preview Financial sector news | Асоціація українських банків


“The government is updating the terms of the program to ensure that all Ukrainians who do not have their own housing or want to improve their living conditions can get an affordable loan on favorable terms. And the active development of the construction industry will help strengthen our economy,” he said in a statement.

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The mission of the Association of Ukrainian Banks is to support the development of the national banking system. The AUB cooperates with the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on improving the legislation governing banking activities, and interacts with the National Bank of Ukraine on regulatory support for the functioning of banks and non-bank financial institutions. The CBA takes care of the professional development of bank employees, expands international relations with associations and banking institutions of other countries.



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